About WCF Radio

The story of how the Westside Christian Fellowship Radio Network came about was very exciting to watch. The hand of God was clearly guiding and leading every step of the way. Through radio and other media outlets, our church, Westside Christian Fellowship (founded in 2010), has been able to expand our ministry in this area as well.
In August 2017, the radio stations that we broadcasted on locally informed me they were in the process of selling. At that moment, I felt God prompting me with the thought, “Why don’t you buy the stations?” Although I considered it a crazy idea, especially because they weren’t available at the time, I began to pray.
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Months later, I emailed the manager of the stations to see how everything was going. I was surprised to find that they hadn’t sold yet. Again, I prayed for direction, “Lord, we can’t buy these stations and try to wing it. We need a person who can help oversee the programming. God, I don’t know if this is You, so I’m going to let the idea go.”

Broadcasting Information

KWTD 91.9 FM transmits to Ridgecrest, California City, Palmdale, Lancaster, etc. to south of Lone Pine on the 14/395. It also extends eastward to Phelan near Victorville, and Four Corners (Kramer Junction) covering much of the 58 freeway going east and west from the 14.

KWTW 88.5 FM transmits from Lone Pine to the June Lake Junction on 395 freeway and covers Mammoth Lakes and other Eastern Sierra towns.

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Just a few days later, Phil, a Christian radio station manager who I had never met, stopped by the church office and said he was considering moving to our area from Minnesota. Talk about confirmation! To say we were surprised is an understatement; we were shocked. This confirmation fueled an intense eight-month season of prayer.
A few months after Phil’s visit, I was driving to a meet-and-greet for our church. I prayed, “Lord, it seems like You are directing us to buy these radio stations, but they are still not available. If you want me to continue to pray, please let me meet someone who was helped by our program on 91.9 FM before it went off the air.”

“Lord, we can’t buy these stations and try to wing it. We need a person who can help oversee the programming. God, I don’t know if this is You, so I’m going to let the idea go.”

At the meet-and-greet, one of the first people I met, a man named Walt, said, “I was listening to your program a year ago on 91.9 FM and it really helped me. Whatever happened to that station?” I smiled and embraced God’s confirmation again. I trust Him fully, but I don’t always trust my “feelings.” That’s why waiting on God is so important.
During that same time, I was reminded of the day over a year ago when many pastors met at City Hall to talk about an important issue. Before the council meeting, a man stopped me and said, “God has pressed it on my heart to pray for you.” During his prayer he said, “I see thousands of cars with the ministry God’s giving you.” I was skeptical at that time—thousands of cars was off my radar and had no relevant meaning. I had forgotten about this man’s prayer until God brought it back to my memory. That week I learned that the current coverage area reaches over 5 million vehicles per year.
Finally! Almost one year to the date of my first inquiry, we were told we could purchase the stations because the original buyer backed out, and the Westside Christian Fellowship Radio Network was born.
Our goal is to be a strong voice of truth and air powerful Christian messages and music through solid teachers and programs. Our slogan is Times Change—Truth Does Not. We pray you will be encouraged, convicted, and uplifted through the broad spectrum of programs offered by the WCF Radio Network.

Pastor Shane Idleman
WCFAV.org and ShaneIdleman.com

The first episode of Shane Idleman’s Regaining Lost Ground recorded in 2009.

Regaining Lost Ground’s first episode on WCF radio in 2019.

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